
Classical Inspirational Piano Story | Inspiring Piano | Premium Royalty Free Stock Music by royalstockmusic @ Audiojungle

2014-04-28 256 Dailymotion

Please click on the link for licensing information.

"Classical Inspirational Piano Story" is a highly emotionally charged modern-day piano song with inspiring classical elements. The playful main theme is full of inspiration and complex emotional moods: creativity, anticipation of building up something new, the pleasure of discovery, hopefulness, confidence, happiness and enjoyment. An emotionalizing bridge leads to the contemplative 2nd part of this tune which is full of emotive power and associates complex feelings like love and pain, romance and melancholy, reunion and goodbye, disappointment and happiness, sorrow and confidence.

The recording was created by using a Yamaha C7 Grand Piano, finishes with a sound logo-like ending and is perfectly suitable commercials, films and videos.

The ZIP includes three versions of the song with separate WAV/MP3 files: the original piano version (2:16), a 30-seconds Commercial edit and an orchestral version (2:13) which is accompanied by a classical acoustic guitar, contrabass, cello and three violins. The audio preview contains all versions from this pack:

1. Full Version -- Piano only (2:16)
2. Orchestral Version (2:13) ...starting @ 2:16
3. 30-secs Commercial Version ...starting @ 4:29

"Classical Inspirational Piano Story" is available for licensing starting at $17. A non-watermarked version of this track will be available for download after purchase.

To preview more tracks please visit Berlin In-Ear's AudioJungle profile at:

Complete your video, commercial, game, app, film, movie, website or project with Premium Royalty-free Stock Music by Berlin In-Ear!